Friday, May 11, 2012

Brief Update

I have been so remiss in my blogging! If you would like to read some things I've been writing, you can check out my latest book review at Smoke City Stories, this piece I wrote on Motion 312, and a little something I wrote about 30 Rock that was originally posted at Abortion Gang and has just been cross-posted at Bitch Flicks.

I'm sorry I don't have the time to spend here at ACiAA right now; May is turning into a very busy month for me! I am out of town for the next three weekends, and as you may or may not know, I am in the midst of planning my wedding which can sometimes be something of a garbage nightmare. Anyway, excuses, excuses. I promise there will be a huge round-up on Sunday of the stuff I am unable to write about in depth, and I will be back on here as soon as I am able.

Also if you like shark movies you should follow me on Pinterest.

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