Wednesday, October 23, 2013

NDP Women's Forum

So on Tuesday (Oct. 29th) I will be at the NDP Women's Forum in Ottawa. I'm on a panel called "The Politics of Advocacy" (I know, what does that mean?) with some really cool-sounding people, and altogether it should be a good event.

If you're going to be in Ottawa and you want to attend, you should! It's free, but you do have to register (which you can do here).

I'm especially stoked that the keynote speaker is AMAZING and WONDERFUL Metis artist and activist Erin Konsmo, who rocks my socks. Seriously I am in complete awe of this lady and her kick ass art. I have to be honest, I am a little bit cynical going into an NDP event but I think it's really cool that they asked a young activist to be the keynote speaker. I am not so in to having older feminists tell us how to do activism all the time.

Anyway obviously I am scrambling to write some semi-coherent stuff to say at this thing, but I wanted to put the notice up here just in case you wanna come see some amazing women chat about THE STUFF OF OUR LIVES, etc.